Friday, 20 October 2017

Titan Trade Binære Alternativer

Titan Trade Review. Titan Trade er et binært alternativ nettsted operert av Titan Capital Limited i Victoria Mahe Seychellene. Denne megleren er veldig ny, og har bare nettopp begynt å tilby sine handelstjenester i 2013. Selskapet aksepterer handelsmenn fra USA og synes faktisk å imøtekomme dem USA er automatisk valgt fra landlisten som standard ved registrering Det eneste støttede språket for nettstedet akkurat nå er engelsk, men kunder fra andre land over hele verden aksepteres. Rett nå ser Titan Trade-nettsiden ut å være en blandet veske Noen informasjon er veldig lett å finne, mens annen informasjon er litt mer utfordrende å jakte. Selskapet ser ut til å ha gått ut av veien for å skape et særegent sted, noe som er bra. Det er mye av handelsressursene, som også er gode, samt flere typer handler som du kan delta i Kundeservice ser ut til å være sakte eller ikke-eksisterende, men det er en alvorlig di sadvantage. Sign up på Titan Trade. When du først åpner en konto, kan du velge mellom en av fem konto tiers. En rekke valutaer er oppført for handel, men akkurat nå kan nettstedet bare sette deg inn i amerikanske dollar eller euro. Du kan starte ut med 250 eller tilsvarende, men den første kontonivået starter på 500 Dette er Micro Test-kontoen, og kommer med en 20-kampbonus på ditt første innskudd, samt en kopi av en gratis eBok. Ekstra fordeler er tilgjengelig sammen med høyere bonuser. som du legger inn mer penger. Den største kontoen er VIP Trading-kontoen, for kunder som legger inn 10.000 eller mer. Med denne kontoen får du en 75-kampbonus, VIP-markedsundersøkelse, risikostyringsportefølje, finansportefølje, VIP-mægling, personlige tjenester, ekstra opplæringsmateriell, daglig handelstips og mer. De eneste avgiftene som er oppført, er 30 for overføringer. Det er en minimum tilbaketrekningsgrense på 100, men dette er ikke nesten like mye av en bekymring med Titan Trade som det er med annen megler s Titan Trade sier klart at hvis du lukker kontoen din og har mindre enn 100, kan du trekke tilbake hele gjenværende beløpet. Med andre ord, er pengene dine ikke taper bare fordi du er under terskelen. Dine penger er din Med de fleste meglere , dette er et smutthull der du potensielt kan tape penger. Oppdrag på Titan Trade. På handelsplattformen kan du handle aksjer, indekser, valutaer og varer. Det er 79 eiendeler totalt, flere forskjellige måter å handle sammen med High Low binære alternativer, det er også One Touch-handel, par, 60 andre handler og langsiktige handler De langsiktige handler som var tilgjengelige da jeg droppet, var bare i flere dager, men det er fortsatt flott at Titan Trade tilbyr denne typen handel for svinghandlere Langtidshandel blir stadig mer populær i binærvalgsverdenen, og er flott for nybegynnere. Minste handelsstørrelse er 25, og den maksimale handelsstørrelsen er 2500 Rollover og dobbelt opp er tilgjengelig, som er buy-me-out. Det er mange materialer på nettstedet som kan hjelpe deg med å lære å handle, selv før du registrerer deg for en konto. Du finner en rekke handelsartikler, ikke bare på det grunnleggende, men også på avansert strategi for pengehåndtering og handelsplass Hvis du registrerer deg for Handelsakademiet, får du tilgang til enda flere, inkludert treningsvideoer og jo høyere kontonivået ditt, jo mer gratis informasjon du mottar. Kundeservice. Kundeservice er åpenbart tilgjengelig via telefon, post , e-post eller nettskjema En live chat-kobling på nettstedet er også tilgjengelig, men da jeg klikket på den og ventet i en halv time, var ingen tilgjengelig. Dette var under vanlig åpningstid på en ukedag. Dette var skuffende, vurderer at det i mange andre måter, siden er faktisk ganske fin Oppsettet er bra, og det er ikke mange gap i informasjonen tilgjengelig. Handelsressursene er gode. Men kundeserviceproblemer representerer en alvorlig ulempe. På flasken m på nettstedet, vil du se et stempel som sier at Titan Trade ble kåret til Most Trusted Broker 2013 av DailyForex Når du klikker på stempelet, tar det deg ikke til en DailyForex-priser siden jeg ikke kunne finne gjennom Google, men til en relativt ny anmeldelse lagt ut på nettstedet. Gjennomgangen er gunstig, men noe unøyaktig, noe som indikerer at en demo-konto er tilgjengelig når dette ikke egentlig er tilfelle. Noen av kontoområdene inkluderer en risikofri handel, men dette er på ingen måte tilsvarer en demo-konto. Vær også oppmerksom på at mobilhandel ikke for tiden er tilbudt, men det er en Kommer snart-side som indikerer at dette snart vil være tilgjengelig. Konklusjon verdt å sjekke tilbake. Da jeg først begynte å se gjennom Titan Trade, ble jeg først imponert Nettstedet design er enkelt å navigere, og du vil lett finne det meste av informasjonen du leter etter. Selskapet har tatt skritt for å utdanne handelsmenn om risiko og andre viktige aspekter ved handel. Deres vilje til å r eturn penger under minimum tilbaketrekning terskelen til kundene lukke ut kontoer er et tegn på ærlighet og rettferdighet deres manglende evne til å personalet live chat linje var imidlertid en skuffelse skjønt, og den litt misvisende siden på DailyForex er også litt tvilsomt. Fraværet av kundeservice kunne ha vært en fluke, men hvis ikke, ville det være en stor detractor. Det siste du vil gjøre er å sende pengene dine til et selskap som er utilgjengelig når du trenger dem. Titan Trade er fortsatt relativt nytt, og jobber sannsynligvis fortsatt på å perfeksjonere sine tjenester Mens vi ikke kan gi dem en sterk anbefaling nå, kan det være verdt å sjekke på dem noen måneder nedover veien for å se om de har stryket ut sine kundeserviceproblemer. I mange andre henseender er de godt på vei til etablere seg i bransjen. Titan Trade 1 3 ut av 10 basert på 3 karakterer.12 Traders Reviews. Robert reviewed Titan Trade. This titan trade is shit Jeg åpner noen få nettsider uten grunn bare for å annonsere faktum om titan handel det vil være pågående og kommer til å være å diskreditere dem som det lave livet de er thieving maggots og grunnleggerne han eller de kanskje tykk som skit også, ikke engang å være klar over disse tyvene som jobber under selve handelsselskap han eller de tenker på det du danner en bedrift, og du vet ikke om noen kriminell aktivitet som foregår på eiere, sannsynligvis ikke selv leser anmeldelsene, så hva er det bra for dem å la tyvene jobbe for dem i deres navn. Tony gjennomgått Titan Trade. Stay away from TITANTRADE Don t sende noen penger til dem. Unngå dem til enhver pris. Det stjeler fra deg til høyre og midt med deres glatte snakk og deres rykte for deres korrupte stjele taktikk er under hver gjennomgang jeg har lest jeg er ut av lommen 1000 og de har ikke engang min ferdige påkrevde søknad for å bruke pengene mine til noe. Støtten for å returnere pengene mine gir meg løp i melodi på over 10 personer som allerede har ingen anelse om hva som skjer o n Deres hovedmål er å ta fondet ditt og misbruke det og fortell deg at du har mistet det. Deres system og svindel er mot deg som et kasino. Du kan ikke vinne med dem med deres binære system. De har ingen kontrollerende myndigheter og kan ta pengene dine og det er ikke noe du kan gjøre. Reinhard Koch har gjennomgått Titan Trade. Sehr, og jeg er her 07/03/2016 på Internett, , dø Sie als hinreichendes Startkapitalen er ivaretatt i løpet av et år. Allertings bekjempe at det er så enkelt å anfekte. Det er en forutsetning for at 250, 600 enslige er det eneste som er forpliktet til å opprettholde dem. Det er 250 års jødiske tråder Jeg vet ikke hva du har, men jeg er glad for at du kommer til å bli med meg, og jeg vil ikke være med meg. arbeider Mir wurde gesagt, Ich msste eine Rckbuchung ber megine Banken veranlassen, dann zahle man zurck Meine Bank ønsket jetzt eine Bereitschaftserklrung von Ihnen, die Sie mir per Post oder E-Mail zusenden mchten Ich bitte Sie hiermit zu ein zonnenschrift Schriftstck umgehend zu zu senden M f G. Hills Sarah gjennomgikk Titan Trade. Jeg var endelig i stand til å få meg megleren som tok min 89000 for å sende meg pengene mine gjennom opsjonstjenesten, jeg er så glad at mange mennesker også har gjenopprettet sine midler gjennom samme prosess, hvis megleren har ta pengene dine over 5000, gi meg beskjed om hvordan jeg får dem til å gi deg pengene dine om noen få dager. De hører ikke på deg fordi de føler at du ikke kan gjøre noe for dem. Send meg en e-post så jeg kan hjelpe deg få det tilbake, jeg er bare så glad. Sist oppdatert 2016-09-14 av Martin Kay. TitanTrade ble lansert i slutten av 2013, men vi vet ikke hvem som eier selskapet. På deres kontaktside angir de bare en adresse, men ingen firmanavn, så for tiden er vi ikke tk Nå som faktisk eier Den oppførte adressen er 35 Barrack Road, tredje etasje, Belize City, Belize Betalingsleverandøren er Titan Trade Solutions Ltd igjen Den oppførte adressen er NWMS Center, 31 Southampton Row, London, Storbritannia. Dette selskapet overvåkes ikke av Financial Conduct Authority i Storbritannia De er ikke regulert, slik at vi ikke kan gi et lisensnummer eller navnet på et regulatorisk byrå. Er Titan Trade a Scam. Looking på dette Hugh antall klager TitanTrade mottatt, bør handelsmenn være svært oppmerksom på å håndtere denne megleren TitanTrade har vært i virksomhet for ganske noen ganger nå. Adressen deres er ikke gjennomsiktig, og deres nye betalingsleverandør passer egentlig ikke til beskrivelsen av en pålitelig partner. Se ASICs advarsel her. Andre svært bekymringsfulle fakta som det økende antall klager påvirker vår samlede poengsum Etter hvert som klokken går, må vi alltid være mer forsiktige når vi arbeider med en ikke-regulert megler. Gjør periodiske uttak, chec K din balanse og utløpte transaksjoner, kontakt din støtte hver eneste gang, og viktigst opprettholde oss, hvis du støter på problemer med TitanTrade. Oppdater 1 Vi har nylig gjort oppmerksomheten vår til denne megling, for det meste fordi klager fortsetter å strømme inn Det vi har oppdaget på nettstedet, teller de ikke en adresse til Titan Trade Capital Limited lenger. Andre kilder nevner adressen deres som Trident Chambers, Victoria, Mahe, Seychellene, men vi har ingen måte å kontrollere om dette er en ekte adresse eller ikke. Endring er relatert til deres leverandør av betalingstjenester, som nå er MHGG Tech Solutions Limited, London, Storbritannia. Etter videre undersøkelser har vi oppdaget at MHGG Tech Solutions Limited opererer som NRGBinært i henhold til MoneySmart, dette er forbrukerens nettsted for Australian Securities and Investments Kommisjonen ASIC Også, ASIC anbefaler dette selskapet kunne være involvert i en svindel For å lese advarselen selv, vennligst følg denne linken. Oppdatere te September 2016 De har endret betalingsleverandører igjen, kanskje på grunn av ASICs advarsel, deres eierselskap er vanskelig å identifisere, og alt ser ut som en sammenflettet web av navn og adresser. Noen av adressene er virtuelle kontorer, og i utgangspunktet gjør vi ikke Vet hvem vi har å gjøre med. På toppen av alt, advarer økonomiske vaktmenn mot å gjøre forretninger med dem, og klienter klager mer og mer jeg vet ikke om det er svindel, men det ser ut som en dårlig megling. Editors s Merk Hvorfor tar Titan Trade Suck in 50 Words. The minimum innskudd på Titan Trade er 350 avhenger av region som ligger over gjennomsnittet av bransjen. De kaller denne kontoen en Mini-konto, slik at de må tro at vi er alle rike mennesker og 350 USD er lommeskift. Nei nei det. s for mye og skal endres i fremtiden som en side notat, må vi nevne at de nylig har redusert minimumsinnbetalingen fra 500 til dagens 350 Antall klager mottatt mot TitanTrade er et dårlig tegn du kanskje ikke wa nt å sette inn denne store summen i første omgang Brokeren er heller ikke regulert, og synes ikke å ha slike intensjoner. Jeg tror det verste er at i stedet for å forbedre, går denne megling bakover og ødelegger den lille troverdigheten de har igjen. Hvorfor TitanTrade sukker ikke i 50 ord. I motsetning til flere andre selskaper presenterer Titan Trade oss et profesjonelt utseende nettsted uten manglende eller ødelagte lenker og nok informasjon om alle aspekter av handel og banklegging. Dessverre er et funksjonelt nettsted ikke alt du trenger å være en stor megler og i det siste TitanTrade ikke virkelig leve opp til deres slagord Ambisjon har ingen grenser Kom igjen, du hadde en fin start, hvorfor skuffe oss. Skal jeg åpne en konto hos TitanTrade. Den alltid populære SpotOption-plattformen er våpenet av valg for Titan Trade selvfølgelig, det er ikke nødvendig å laste ned eller installere noe programvare som alt er 100 nettbasert og på toppen av det, er SpotOption en plattform kjent for brukervennlighet, intuitiv grensesnitt og nesten feilfri funksjonalitet Å velge den mest kjente plattformen i bransjen tillater mange handelsfolk å begynne å handle med en gang uten å måtte lære alle funksjonene i en ny plattform og skape et handelsmiljø med forhåpentligvis ingen programvareproblemer Oppdater Titan Trade bruker nå SpotOption 2 0, en forbedret versjon av den gamle plattformen, men programvaren var aldri deres problem, så hvis de ønsker å forbedre sin tjeneste, bør de starte på andre steder. Nettstedet er godt organisert og har riktig mengde markedsføringsmateriale uten Å være for påtrengende eller irriterende Det meste av informasjonen er lett å få tilgang til, og i løpet av tiden jeg brukte, hadde jeg ikke noen store problemer når jeg prøvde å finne svar på mine spørsmål. Det er sant at lignende materiale også finnes på andre nettsteder, men etter alt, handel er en eksakt vitenskap det grunnleggende i det minste, og det er normalt å se likheter mellom forskjellige mennesker som prøver å forklare det samme. Alt i alt tror jeg de gjorde ag ood jobb i utdanningsavdelingen sammenlignet med andre, og tilbyr mange videoer, opplæringsprogrammer og til og med spørringer om de viktigste aspektene ved handel. Det er også en e-bok som kan lastes ned gratis fra deres akademiseksjon, du vil ikke finne noen grunnlag bryter ting der inne, men den generelle ideen om binær opsjonshandel er forklart godt nok Dessverre trenger deres Trading Strategies-del mye forbedring og skaper litt forvirring. Jeg kan bare håpe at deres kontoadministratorer ikke bruker strategiene som er avbildet der for å handle dine penger eller for å gi deg trading tips, men igjen bør du ikke ta handelsråd fra kontoadministratoren. Titan Trade tilbyr 4 typer kontoer, med minimum investering som spenner fra 350 til Mini-kontoen, den neste kontotypen er Standard innskuddssummen er 5000, deretter 35.000 for Deluxe og endelig ferdig med 50.000 for Platinum-kontoen. Det er selvfølgelig ekstra fordeler for et større innskudd, men noen av dem er ikke r eally justified Men ikke la min bickering sette deg av Selv om det er noen ting som kan forbedres, synes Titan Trade å være en profesjonell og pålitelig megler, men bare tiden vil fortelle om de kan bli en titan i denne bransjen. , forteller tiden, men historien er ikke en som favoriserer Titan Trade Traders rundt om i verden, klager over at de ikke kan få pengene sine ut, deres kredittkort blir belastet uten deres tillatelse og bonuser lagt til uten deres samtykke bare for å knytte pengene til plattformen til det nødvendige handelsvolumet er nådd. Totalt har de nå et dårlig rykte, og vi anbefaler forsiktighet hvis vi arbeider med denne megling. Oppdatering september 2016 Siden vårt siste besøk har ikke mye endret seg i Titan Trade s-tilbudet, men mye har endret seg med hensyn til kunders oppfatning av denne megling I begynnelsen ble de sett på som en god og pålitelig megler, men snart begynte de å gå nedoverbakke og nå har folk mistet nesten all tillit til dem. I sin kur leie staten Titan Trade er en dårlig megler fra mitt perspektiv, og jeg håper de begynner å jobbe seg opp igjen, men det vil ta mye arbeid du kan si det er titan på en jobb. Titan Trade Complaints. As alltid er vårt team gjør jobben for deg Vi søker på nettet for eventuelle klager, kommentarer, tilbakemeldinger fra kunder, oppsummerer dem og forsøker å bringe sannheten bak dem. Når det gjelder TitanTrade, fant vi tonnevis av klager angående Titan Trades tjenester. Vi har ganske mange klager her på BOTS, de fleste av klagerne anklager støtte for å være uoppnåelig. Vi er bekymret for det økende antall klager, og det påvirker definitivt TitanTrade. Totalt poeng Vårt lag vil overvåke og oppdatere denne anmeldelsen hvis det oppstår store klager. Oppdater Vår Kommentarer, Forum og Scam Watch-serien er fylt med misfornøyde kunder, og denne stemningen fortsetter gjennom mange av de kjente onlinefora. Hei, folk skriker SCAM selv på YouTube-videoer om Titan Handel, så ja, det er trygt å si at du kan finne mange klager om dem. Oppdatering september 2016 Samme gamle, samme gamle Folk klager på alle slags ting og TitanTrade gjør det til vår Scam Watch-serie med regularitet Noen klager stammer fra faktum at kundene ikke leser vilkårene, men de fleste av dem skyldes meglerens samlede unprofessionalism. For mer informasjon, sjekk 31 sider med kommentarer klager under denne anmeldelsen. Titan Trade Bonus. Bonusprosent avhenger av hvilken type konto du åpner og kan gå så høyt som 75 av det første innskuddet på Platinum-kontoen. For å ta ut bonusen må kunden først fullføre en omsetning på 20 ganger innskudd pluss bonus innskuddsmengde bonusbeløp 20 i henhold til deres vilkår og betingelser. Oppdatering September 2016 Deluxe-kontoen kommer med en 75-bonus For Platinum-kontoen er bonusen skreddersydd. Omsetningen er innskuddsbonus x 20 og må oppnås før en tilbakebetaling Jeg kan bli gjort. Titan Trade Tilbakekalling. Før du gjør noen uttak, må klienten gi Titan Trade de nødvendige identifikasjonsdokumenter. Når denne engangsprosessen er fullført, kan uttak gjøres via kredittkort og overføring behandles, tar det omtrent 7 virkedager til pengene når kontoen Minste uttakssum for kredittkort er 50 enheter avhengig av kontovaluta Også de oppgir på nettstedet at det ikke er noen avgift for kredittkortopptak, men i deres vilkår og betingelser de tydelig sier Selskapet belaster et gebyr for overføringer av midler som står til kreditt for en handelsrekonto fra selskapet til kunden, for tiden tilsvarende USD 35 enheter per overføring Dette er typisk megleroppførsel. Oppdatert september 2016 Behandlingstiden for en uttak er opptil 7 virkedager, bortsett fra Deluxe-kontoen 5 dager og Platinum umiddelbar Husk dette er bare behandlingstid og ytterligere ti Jeg vil passere til pengene når deg. En avgift på 35 kontoenheter belastes for hver tilbaketrekningsforespørsel, og minst tilbaketrekning med kredittkort er fortsatt 50 kontoenheter, mens tilbakebetaling av bankoverføringer har minst 100 kontoenheter. Titan Trade Extras. Some funksjoner kan vurderes Ekstra tilbake i 2013 da denne megleringen ble lansert Men nå alle meglere som bruker SpotOption som handelsplattform, tilbyr de samme alternativene og funksjonene, slik at vi ikke kan finne noe som skiller seg ut med Titan Trade FX CFD-handel, ble nylig introdusert, men igjen, dette er en SpotOption-funksjon. TitanTrade Ratings. User Friendly 18 20.Den brukte plattformen er en av de beste tilgjengelige, både intuitive og effektive. Nettstedet er godt strukturert, polert og tilgjengelig på 9 språk. Dette er en forbedring, vurderer som tidligere kun engelsk og russisk ble støttet Spot 2 0 er en flott plattform. Oppdatert september 2016 Nettstedet er nå tilgjengelig på 10 språk tidligere 9, men annet enn Det har ikke blitt gjort betydelige forbedringer. Antall eiendeler og utløpsider 15 20.De handlekurven inneholder 12 valutapar, 7 varer, 20 indekser, 19 aksjer og bare gull mot sølv som par Vi må merke seg at siden vårt siste besøk , deres eiendomsindeks er redusert samlet. De eiendelene vi nettopp nevnte, er de oppdaterte. Des 2015 Ikke alle eiendeler er tilgjengelige for One Touch Trading, 60 sekunder trading eller Long Term trades. Utløpstidene varierer fra 60 sekunder til 15 minutter til slutten av Handelsdag og langsiktige opsjoner kan til og med settes til slutten av året. Utløper noen ganger sugemisjoner, Støtte og Effektiv avkastning 12 20.Det er ingen gebyrer knyttet til kontoåpning, men et gebyr på 35 enheter belastes for overføring av penger fra selskapet til kunden hvis du har en GBP-konto, vil gebyret bli 35 GBP hvis du har en USD-konto, avgiften vil være 35 USD osv. Dessverre, da jeg prøvde å kontakte live chat-støtte, var alt jeg fikk et alternativ å sende dem en e-post deres effekt levende retur gjennomsnitt på rundt 74, noe som ikke er imponerende i det hele tatt. Oppdatering september 2016 Live Chat-støtte var tilgjengelig, men de var ikke så mye hjelp jeg spurte bare hva selskapet eier og klarte ikke å få et greit svar. Deposisjon, betaling og bonus 14 20. Minimum innskudd er 350 som vi anser å være middels høye for næringen. Kredittdekningskort og overføringer kan brukes til å sette inn penger med Titan Trade, og samme metode vil bli brukt til uttak. Minste uttak er 50 enheter, som kan ta opptil 7 virkedager før de er tilgjengelige i kontoen din. Bonusen er 50 for Standard-kontoinnskuddene fra 5001 til 35.000 og 75 for Platinum-kontoen. Den minste Mini-kontoen drar ikke nytte av en bonus som ikke er dårlig i vårt syn Omsetningen som trengs for å trekke seg tilbake er innskuddsbonus x20.Update september 2016 Behandlingstiden for uttak er 7 virkedager for de fleste kontoer, men det betyr ikke at du vil ha pengene dine i 7 forretninger da ys Minimum tilbaketrekning er 50 enheter for kredittkort og 100 enheter for overføringer. Bonusen er 50 for Standard-kontoen, 75 for Deluxe og skreddersydd for Platinum-kontoen, den nødvendige omsetningen er fortsatt den samme. Nettsted Ekstra 10 20.Pair handel er en nyskapende ny måte å handle binære alternativer på, og vi anser det som en positiv ekstra funksjon, men dessverre viste vårt siste besøk at bare ett 1 par er tilgjengelig. Det er ganske mange interessante valgtyper. Veldig lang liste over tilgjengelige handelsmetoder og kopihandel spot 2 0 Good School Academy, Builder, Touch Options USAs tilgjengelighet er alltid en ekstra. Oppdatert september 2016 Amerikanske handelsfolk er ikke lenger akseptert, og nå er alle funksjonene som kan betraktes som ekstra. Dette er bare en standard på SpotOption-plattformen, inkludert FX CFD-handel. Titan Trade Samlet vurdering 69 Lav brukerangering -5 64 100.Ikke meglere bør ta dager å trekke seg tilbake, vi er i det 21. århundre. Titan handel sier at de vil hjelpe deg med gode tips, men bare hvis du investerer mer vil du aldri se pengene dine igjen Richard er riktig, ikke ta bonus og unngå pengene suger nei, det er alt du har rett senior meglere, de overbeviser deg bare til å investere mer og si at det er sikkert at du er farvel farvel penger En annen sucker biter støvet. De har ringt meg på telefonen for en stund, til slutt bestemte jeg meg for å svare på deres samtale og snakke med dem. Etter å ha lyttet til deres salgssted som bare svarte på noen av mine spørsmål spurte de meg om å gi dem 385 kanadiske rettigheter borte ved å betale gjennom deres nettsted med visumet mitt De ønsket min rett NÅ Dette virkelig sintet meg Spesielt med mangel på info de ga meg De fortalte meg at når jeg gir dem pengene mine da kan jeg snakke med megler og han vil svare på alle mine spørsmål Ja, jeg tror ikke så Så jeg løy til dem og sa at kredittkortet mitt fremdeles kommer i posten og avsluttet samtalen. De får ikke pengene mine. Jeg håper å finne et pålitelig selskap snart. Vil gjerne tjene penger Jeg har skrudd b y TitanTrade megler, stor bonus på kontoen min selv om du sier nei Bundet opp pengene mine, og når jeg prøver å klage eller til og med uttrykke mine pengehåndterings ønsker, vil de henge meg, jeg mistet alt med disse skurkene, de risikerer alt og vil da du skal fortsette å gjøre innskudd Den verste opplevelsen i mitt liv BEVARE. Hi til alle som tenker på å investere i titantrade, DONT måten de behandler og snakker med deg, er en absolutt skam, de er like ivrige som sennep for å ta pengene dine, jeg kjøpte inn som jeg var interessert i autoboten, så jeg investerte 500, i uker fikk jeg e-post hver dag og sa at autoboten var å vinne 8 av 9 investeringer, slik at fyren fra Titantrade telefoner meg så snart han vet at jeg er interessert og forteller meg om autoboten og hvordan den fungerer, så som jeg sa jeg registrerer meg og legger inn 500, forteller han at han vil sende meg alle mine detaljer for å komme inn på kontoen min som ikke skjedde han forteller meg at han har slått på autoboten det skjedde aldri så jeg la det 6 eller 7 timer an Jeg er fortsatt ikke noe, så jeg får dem på linjen og endelig får detaljene mine, 3 dager senere ringer de meg og spør meg hva jeg vil, med det spør jeg om hvorfor autoboten ikke handler for meg, han svarer på å være tålmodig og at Det har ikke vært noen handler som var bull fordi jeg fikk e-postmeldinger som sier at de hadde vunnet 9 ut av 10 spill på 2 dager og 8 av 9 på den andre, så jeg forteller ham, og han begynner å være høy og ekstremt patronizing, med det jeg fortalte ham å av og sette telefonen ned, min erfaring med dem gir jeg 1 ut av 10, mitt råd er BARE VÆKT VÆK FRA TITANTRADE HVIS DU IKKE ØNSKER Å BEHANDLES SOM AC T. Den nicusoren, jeg har nettopp kommet til Titantrade og er i konstant kontakt med min rådgiver ble jeg fortalt at jeg kan trekke fra innskuddet mitt når som helst, selv om de ga meg en bonus. Gå på Skype og legg til din kontaktliste Daveg han er min rådgiver og veldig hjelpsom. På deres FAQ side sier deres si de tilbyr ikke demo kontoer Hvordan fikk du informasjonen de tilbyr dem. Jeg har også delt med Rachael, Jeg hadde også kostnader på mitt debetkort som var uautorisert. Disse menneskene er vanskelige å få tak i, holde seg borte. Fungerte Titantrade og finansierte kontoen min, men helt fra starten ble jeg skuffet over kundeservice. Jeg hadde et spørsmål, så jeg prøvde live chat men det var hele morgenen. Alt det som ble sagt var at alle operatørene var opptatt, vent. Det var hele morgenen, så jeg bestemte meg for å ringe deres verdensomspennende telefonnummer. Det holdt bare ring. Ingen svarte jeg prøvde å ringe sitt britiske telefonnummer samme. Da sendte jeg en epost det ble aldri besvart På dette punktet vet jeg ikke hva jeg skal forvente. Når de har pengene dine, har de det. De returnerer ikke anrop, e-post eller live chat-forespørsel. De har kansellert handler som forlater meg utsatt for eksponering. Deres rapportering sucks. Try Gjør et tilbakebetaling med kredittkortselskapet ditt for å få pengene tilbake. Har du vært vellykket i kredittkortets tilbakebetaling av innlevering, vennligst gi meg beskjed da jeg er under samme situasjon med TitanTrade Takk. Duncan, har du vært su ccessful i kredittkortets tilbakebetaling arkivering Vennligst gi meg beskjed som jeg er under samme situasjon med TitanTrade Takk. DETTE WEBSTEDET ER EN TOTAL SCAM, NÅR jeg spurte dem om å lukke min regning, de bare låst meg ut av min regning og meldte meg min telefonanrop Jeg er ganske sikker på at jeg er ute 2500 Disse feilmeldingene trenger å stoppe. Ikke, jeg gjentar. Ikke finansier med Titantrade jeg finansiert med Titantrade da Michael opprinnelig kom ut med signaltjenesten. De vil ikke utbetale fortjenesten jeg har hatt en ventende bankoverføring siden 5. august for fortjeneste jeg må fylle ut overføringsskjemaet 4 forskjellige tider. De har aldri anerkjent å motta min overføringsinformasjon, men bare fortsett å sende meg et blank skjema for å fylle ut igjen. Kontoforvalteren min Daniel Venter er en komplett idiot og en konge Han ville at jeg skulle investere penger for en handel, og jeg sa nei, jeg vil bare ha fortjenesten min Nå har han ikke vunnet å returnere mine e-post eller skype-meldinger Jeg har sendt ham ekkel etterfølger e-postadresser Titantrade support live chat er en vits Titantr ade er en svindel. Hei alle sammen, for nylig misbrukte jeg noen ansatte fra TitanTrade at de ikke sender pengene mine fra TitanTrade-kontoen. Jeg vil si unnskyld for alt jeg fortalt, for i dag har jeg mottatt pengene mine fra TitanTrade accout , og vil si at du kan stole på TitanTrade da denne megleren alltid tar vare på sine kunder og betaler alle pengene som ble deponert og tjent under handel. Beklager TitanTrade enda en gang for mitt dårlige ord før, nå kan jeg stole på deg. Ha en god handel for alle med denne megleren. Jeg deponerte 250. de fortsatte å fortelle meg å deponere mer jeg nektet og prøvde å trekke innskuddet mitt nå. Ingen svarer. Min balanse er borte. Titan Trade har forferdelig kundeservice. De svarer ikke på telefonen som er oppført på deres nettside og faksnummeret er aparantly et ugyldig faksnummer. Også deres Live Chat-funksjon virker ikke. Jeg har prøvd i over en uke å lukke kontoen min og få pengene mine tilbake, så langt uten suksess. Ikke åpne en konto hos Titan Trade, med mindre du liker å kaste pengene bort. Jeg hadde noen problemer med noen bransjer, og jeg prøvde å ringe megleren som hjalp meg og jeg kunne ikke, men neste gang ringte han meg og jeg var sint på ham for ikke å svare han fortalte meg å kontakte ham via e-post fordi han er alltid på telefonen så jeg anbefaler til alle å bruke email. PS jeg gjorde 2 uttak første ble ferdigstilt i 5 dager, andre i 4.Rustam høres ut som Titan Trade skremte deg ganske bra ved å true deg. Ikke at jeg ikke tror de fleste av dere, men hvorfor har Jennifer og Gavin Mandry kopiert hverandres kommentarer. Lyder som kanskje en falsk klage fra en konkurrent til Titan Trade. Og til Daniel Thanx for å holde det er virkelig For andre som gjør seg selv, må jeg si at 2 måneder er langt for lenge siden, for å bekrefte alle sendte papirer. Det var en dårlig unnskyldning av dem. Vennligst hold oss ​​alle posted. mind du titanhandel er den største svindel på planeten jorden, jeg ba om tilbaketrekking, det tok 2 9 dager etter å ha presset dem, og de krediterte kontoen min umiddelbart etter 15 minutter, trakk de pengene tilbake, de er svindlere, BOTS, vennligst kontakt meg for bevis og bevis. Titan-handel ringer deg en gang etter at du har gjort et innskudd, så er de gått de er ikke en pålitelig megler i det hele tatt De svarer ikke på noe etter at de får pengene dine. Deres adresser betyr ikke noe egentlig. Jeg er medlem. Først og fremst er jeg veldig lei meg til å bli med dette alternativet Fra begynnelsen følte jeg noe morsomt om dette selskapet, men siden jeg vil bruke Auto Bot-programvaren som brukte sitt valg så jeg bare registrerte 1 da jeg spurte noen om å ringe meg fra livechatten før jeg foretar et innskudd, ringe ingen som om ingen plager 2 etter å ha gjort innskudd, fortsatt ingen call even after many times asking 3 when they call they only want me to deposit more money so that i make more profit as if 4 after i rejected to deposit more i did not hear from them Nor replying my emails 5 i requested for withdrawals but th ey said i need to send documents for verification which i did 6 unfortunately they did not reply email saying i have sent the documents not that they have received my documents 7 i asked life chat they said the company has received my documents but need to verify them which take 10 working days 8 until now i did not received any emails from the back office nor my emails are replied by my account manager 9 i am still waiting for my withdrawal which has been 2 weeks already. How can we say this Option is valid. I have been having the same trouble with titan trade as a lot of other will not respond to my request for withdrawal, email, chat, or support, and no response on the web advise is stay away. Ditto here on Titan Trade I made good money on some of their recommendations, but I can t get any of it They will not send it to me It s now been weeks that I have tried to make a withdrawal and I can t call any one or get a response to my emails Their phone numbers are a joke because they never ans wer. That is the perfect question Pete, and one that I was asking myself I have been trading binary options for little over a year now and I have ran across a dozen or more reviews on binary options platforms like this one only to find they have not come close to doing their due diligence YOU CAN NOT CALL A BROKER TRUSTED if you have not even tried the withdraw process That is the number one issue with UN-regulated scam broker You should read some of the comments on your own page That alone will tell you that Titan Trade IS NOT a TRUSTED broker. titan must be a scam no replies from emails-hours waiting on live chat, and when you get through-they evade my question-which is why after a month i havent got my withdrawal-i get told keep your phone line open you will be getting a call in about 5 call till next day from broker who assures me I will get my i havent, and I will have to take it to the fraud people Im on disability pension, behind now in bills and mortgage and having to eat at a missi on. Not a good company, keep changing account manager, if you try to contact someone to have information none answer In addition you have to put amin of 250 to open an account and if you decide to put some more meoney the min is always 250 , with just 100 is not possible They want just steal your money that s it DO NOT TRUST. i ve been trying to get a refund from Titan Trade for two months At first there was a problem with my complaince papers because i had funded my account twice i needed to fill out two separate forms They didn t tell me this Only when i asked when my money would be refunded did i get an e-mail back That took a month. Now, that my compliance forms have been approved, i m STILL waiting One month later E-mails get no reply New account maanger i told him that i wanted to try Mike s Manual trading signals using the money in my account at Titan Trade Simple Still nothing Get e-mails telling me about NFP soon Going to e-mail the account manager and ask him to find out when my money will be refunded Have little, or no, hope of hearing anything. So, from now on, i m am never going to trade unless its a regulated broker Got a phone call from some broker asking questions Told them i only deal with regulated brokers and never heard back Good lol. I registered with Titantrade to be able to get mike s manual signals as the autotrader webpage said my country was blocked i registered with ease but my problems began when i wanted to deposit funds i was getting this message with every link i clicked session expired thankfully an account officer called Richard Kovak called me and assisted in getting my account funded i had to give him my card details over the phone which i was not happy with Moments later he informed me my account was funded To verify the funding of the account he had to reset my password twice before i could login to view my account balance I submitted my identity verification documents immediately after payment, they were accepted and verified Richard advised me to switch browsers to incognito mode, clear cookies and all, that all would be well with my account Richard said it had to do with my browser or computer Well, i tried trading mike s signals on their website and was not satisfied, once i switched tabs to view freestockcharts or they were loading, up and running without hitches the message appeared again session expired i had to re-enter my password and username each time to obtain access to my account It is to be noted that other brokers websites where i opened demo accounts had no such issues This disrupted my entire trading session A times i could not get access back into my account till the day passed even keeping my account open for some minutes without moving the mouse had the same effect session expired In my frustration i eventually asked for a withdrawal On monday morning 3rd November, 2014 via the account after succeeding to login with the reset password given by Richard the review above says that withdrawal takes 1-3 business days, but a lady from support at TItanTrade said it may take up to 7 business days to my Mastercard, NOT A BANK WIRE i can make available the email threads for our interactions No one acknowledged receipt of my withdrawal request apart from Jennifer who instructed me to click on withdrawal via my account i informed her that I had already done that i have posted screen shots of my account where it says withdrawal request being processed No one has yet responded to it, neither have I received any payment alert from my bank today is 6th November, 2014, no hint is on the horizon of my funds being returned I am disappointed with their services and hope they correct the impression I have of them soonest refund of funds is all i ask - without any fees deducted as the review states this is my first withdrawal. I cannot get a response either by email or telephone about withdrawing my balance and closing my account What can I do. SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM. Just a bout ready to freak out I have about 70,000 invested and when I told my broker Marcus I had no more money to invest and I need to get money out to pay back the credit card and get back money I needed to live he now refuses to even speak to me. Whatever you do Do Not give them any money as soon as you run out so do they I do not believe in murder but when you get screwed like this out of 70,000 that is all of my money the idea does cross your money I. I registered with Titantrade to be able to get mike s manual signals as the autotrader webpage said my country was blocked i registered with ease but my problems began when i wanted to deposit funds i was getting this message with every link i clicked session expired thankfully an account officer called Richard Kovak called me and assisted in getting my account funded i had to give him my card details over the phone which i was not happy with Moments later he informed me my account was funded To verify the funding of the account he had to re set my password twice before i could login to view my account balance I submitted my identity verification documents immediately after payment, they were accepted and verified Richard advised me to switch browsers to incognito mode, clear cookies and all, that all would be well with my account Richard said it had to do with my browser or computer Well, i tried trading mike s signals on their website and was not satisfied, once i switched tabs to view freestockcharts or they were loading, up and running without hitches the message appeared again session expired i had to re-enter my password and username each time to obtain access to my account It is to be noted that other brokers websites where i opened demo accounts had no such issues This disrupted my entire trading session A times i could not get access back into my account till the day passed even keeping my account open for some minutes without moving the mouse had the same effect session expired In my frustration i eventually aske d for a withdrawal On monday morning 3rd November, 2014 via the account after succeeding to login with the reset password given by Richard the review above says that withdrawal takes 1-3 business days, but a lady from support at TItanTrade said it may take up to 7 business days to my Mastercard, NOT A BANK WIRE i can make available the email threads for our interactions No one acknowledged receipt of my withdrawal request apart from Jennifer who instructed me to click on withdrawal via my account i informed her that I had already done that i have posted screen shots of my account where it says withdrawal request being processed No one has yet responded to it, neither have I received any payment alert from my bank today is 6th November, 2014, no hint is on the horizon of my funds being returned I am disappointed with their services and hope they correct the impression I have of them soonest refund of funds is all i ask - without any fees deducted as the review states this is my first wit hdrawal. UPDATE 10th November 2014 JENNIFER RUEBEN from TITANTRADE SUPPORT informed me via email that my withdrawal request was being processed and they would inform my broker and finance department about the is exactly 7 days after my request was submitted from my awaiting funsd to my account. UPDATE JENNIFER sent me an email on the 18th of November, asking for my mobile number she said that my account manager had been trying to call me, asking which time of day they could call me bollocks i sent them screenshots of my existing profile on the platform my phone number and account balance are still there i have received no call after that now another guy called Alan fergusson sent holiday greetings asking i fund my account again i must be nuts to do that after not having received my withdrawal will keep you guys posted. You may think about asking the card company you are with to do a charge back of the funds you have given Forget any profit they claim you made, you will never get it that i s part of their game never give just take Two companys I have had luck with is Citrade and Zoomtrader They give profit back When you speak to your card representative tell them the company misrepresented the truth Customer service is suppose to be 24 7 it is not, phone is never answered and emails are never answered I got back you can as well. Kevin Wilson Titan SCAM i have had a withdrawal sitting in Titan Trade for MONTHS Nothing Kevin Wilson the 3rd account manager i have had, rings me up trying to get me to put More money into my account and get VIP trades The promise of LOTS OF money Blah blah blah i listen explain my circumstances he talks over me going on and on When i tell him that i can t put more money in when i have Never received a withdrawal he tells me that another account manager has tried to ring me up many times without success He yells at me that i should answer my phone I hung up What arrogance I have NEVER received ANY phone call from anyone at Titan Trade apart from the account managers who only seem to last a month or so This is the second time someone from titan trade has rung up shouting at me over the phone But don t worry folks i know i will NEVER get my 700 back lol And he wants me to deposit more yeah right Keep dreamin and i ll keep dreamin of getting my money back. Opened account and experienced successful trading with account manager until her medical leave of absence Started with 250 and invested over 10K and earned 50K My account was closed unbeknownst to me and advised it was closed due to charge back to my card I did not request withdrawal or to close account Just wanted credit of bank fee and 5K debit that caused overdraft leaving remaining balance to re-invest etc I hope to have a favorable resolve however, the current handling of the account is unacceptable from whomever or which upper management closed the account The Account Manager is scheduled to return and based on relationship with her this isn t anything should would have d one I hope all funds have been sent to me and they didn t keep the rest as that would be criminal I am disheartened by this but not discouraged There are reputable companies to work with and hopefully in the US the regulated firms will incorporate binary options I hope I m proven wrong in this and the sloppy presumptuous mishandling of my account will be overshadowed with full deposit of my money They have improved customer support line more people now and I would love to write back citing my concerns were for nought just unprofessionalism If my funds are in tact I would be willing to work with the account manager again, she was diligent and immediately addressed any concern Hopefully I m not in denial I just need to see all funds deposited to my account and really hope I haven t been a fool separated from my money I know I m not to blame for the appearance of any impropriety it just hurts knowing or sensing that I could be a victim here and that would be really bad i have screen shot s showing my balance and earlier copied transactions that support balance and email transcripts I hope I m proven wrong and they eventually improve their act But tampering with client account without notifying client is unacceptable-period There is always a proper way of doing things-particularly in business. all is sweet talk im poor and i am more poorer karma will do what they did to me. we asked the broker to withdraw some of the money today 2-3-15 we need to take care some living expenses and this is the BS they said. Please let me explain my situation I was told by a binary option. broker titantrade if I put up 2000 dollars I would be a VIP they would give me a matching bonus all I had to do for that bonus is make 30 trades no mention of 30 times of the amount deposited I got smart read their terms and conditions to their agreement and they put the bonus credit into my account I never touched it They also gave me 6 risk free trades told me I could trade the whole account 6 times and t hey were risk free, I ask them so if I don t use a robot they told me the problem with a robot is that if you use one they don t work consistently and you will lose your money I said so if I use a broker is it better they said YES because a broker can help you with market conditions I said I need to make money because this all the money me and my family have it s not about becoming rich it s about making an income I told them that I was laid-off and needed to make income for my family They told me that it would not be a problem to produce an income starting of 3 200 a month to start if I used a broker I said so if I put up 2000 dollars I will be a VIP I will get VIP treatment they told me yes VIP treatment is signals, and a US contact number to the broker 24 7, getting help with fundamental reports telling you what way the market is going I said again so using a robot versus using a broker they discouraged me from using a robot and said a broker is who you want to use I will set you up with my best broker because you are a VIP the broker has gave me no help up to this point I have asked numerous times so you are going to give me risk free trades I can trade my whole account he said, don t worry its risk free but would not help me build this account something don t make sense I have currently made a few trades to build that account once was 1800 first one I lost, then they put the 1800 back because it is risk free, second was 1800 again after they put the 1800 we traded it and won 3276 00 82 of it I sent email to the broker and asked for help he wants me to put a 1000 to 5000 and offered me more deals he sent me a strategy DMA cross strategy with MACD that I don t even understand I find it not helpful at all then I made another trade for 3000 and I lost that one then it was risk free so they put back the 3000 the broker sent me an email stating that I used 2 RISK free trades already I made another trade for 3000 last night 2 3 15 GMT time and I lost that one Keep in mind these were risk free trades insured trades no strings attached It says nothing in the agreement about risk free trades I ve sent numerous emails to the broker ensuring that these are risk free and that my initial 2000 dollars cannot and no way be encumbered in anyway As I was told from the beginning by the broker that NO THEY ARE RISK FREE Now to get the money back in my account they have a new policy that they just started two days ago The broker said, you have to sign this agreement and the agreement is not even with the broker that I signed up with that agreement ties all risk free trades to bonus and that applies to all terms and conditions I refused to sign this agreement and will not but they don t want to give me back my capital either I made 1800 risk free plus my 2000 that they debited from my bank account all I want is honest deal not brokers telling me that don t use a robot You will not make what they are telling you and go through us we will give you the red carpet tr eatment They don t tell you it s a bait - and-switch get you suckered-in Now, you know what the broker is saying to get my money back sign this agreement and you will only have to make 20 times the amount of the account so 20 times the amount of the money that was in the account that I have lost So I have lost risk free mind you 7800 hundred now that s risk free trades plus they are saying the amount of the bonus that is in my account that I did not accept which is 3000 dollars plus that amount that I deposited which is another 2000 dollars so let s just round that to 10,000 dollars and some change the broker said, you sign this agreement and you will get a refund I said what refund are you talking about these were RISK FREE trades there is no refund but now they have hit me with another agreement and they will not even put the money back in my account until I sign that agreement 20 times that amount which comes to over 200 000 dollars just to get back my 1800 plus the amount of 1800 th at I made on one of those risk free trades I used my 1800 dollars to place that trade none of theirs They don t care that my family is suffering that I can t even pay my bills now that I can t even make my house payment, that I can t even provide food for my family I have a little girl that s 5 years old they don t care Now they told me that if I don t sign this agreement I will have to make 30 times that amount which is 300 000 US dollar All I wanted was a way to be able to support my family so I would not have to go back to construction in April of this year, so I could stay home when my little girl goes to kindergarten they told me that I would be able to make 3100 to 3200 starting off if I used a broker instead of robot or an automated machine they made it really good to get me in Then they hurt my family at the end of the day all I wanted was a real deal HONEST people not taking the last of my family s money I really thought they were trying to help us In return, I was going to st ay working with them build this account with the brokers help as they agreed if I didn t use the robot and like I was told they told me with in the first 6 months I would be around 60, 000 thousand that was fine I was not trying to get rich all I wanted to do is be able to support my family that s it Now we have nothing we are faced with getting water turned off, electric turned off, losing my home, and top it off starter went out in our vehicle So who is real who don t have this kind agenda who really cares about others and will not hurt them like this broker has done am telling everybody this I don t know what to do it s not fair but when you take from my family I will go to end of the earth to protect my family I just hope I can help protect others. This company takes a long time if at all to allow withdrawal from taking place. I find titan trade business deal weird They removed US 2,000 without my consent emailing then for weeks and about the second month not even one of them is resp onding or listening to me I never signed and authority for for them to remove from my using my card None of them is talking to me regarding my refund I cancelled my card with my bank here because they know my visa card details I was trading with 250 Then they were asking for 10,000 which I did not have and they removed 2000 without my consent Even now I am still trying to get my reimbursement from them Is there any one who can give me some tips to get my money back a waste of time following almost everyday. Titan Trade is the most miserable place you can ever put your money I have been trying to get my money out for 2 months to no avail Now they say I can t make a withdrawal because there is a bonus in my account THEY PUT THE BONUS IN MY ACCOUNT 28 DAYS AFTER I FIRST TRIED TO WITHDRAW MY MONEY PLEASE STAY AWAY. yes, you are absolutely people are absolutely suckers Please don t trust them as i am a victim i have lost 1500 and was going to lose 250 more as i came know how they were persuin g me to save my lost money by investing in for more and get the money back by the recovery main broker went broke that means he was in a meeting with tell me what to say about Titan trader this happened when i wanted to withdraw a amount promised by Brian who is the broker, as said i lost all 9524 in one go. The past 2 5 weeks, I try my 250 euros to get back, nothing happens, no reply to my email, I have written countless emails and I did not back up my money today I have just opened an account and I immediately got a call and should increase my credit to 2,500 euros I refused and told you I would first start with 250 and thus were not the masters agree, Now I m trying unsuccessfully to get back my 250 euros and nothing, absolutely nothing happens It s a shit load and there are scammers, so stay away from TITAN TRADE If I do not get my money back, I ll show these assholes and you ass off this dirt Pack. Video proof that the binary options broker TitanTrade is a SCAM They are liars and co mmitting fraud and theft Do not trust anything they say, especially Marcus Delorean and Jeff Nelson. Friend, I am having the same problem as you, but the people involved are different How am Brazilian, they put two people of Brazil to make contact with me, Leopold and Rodrigo Algo They are scam. Do not give this broker any money You have to provide so much information to get your money back I had 91 euros when I started the process of withdrawal This money had been in my account since last fall As soon as Titan saw that I put in a request on line to withdraw my money, they took 25 euros for an inactivity fee for March and then took another 25 euros for inactivity fee for April I got a call from them about my remaining 46 euros She said I need to go back online to do the withdrawal again to get my money I just got an email from Frank saying my account was less than 100 00 so he could not do a wire Titan Trade is a scam They are crooks Stay Away for Titan Trade. I opened my account with 2500 Was given great service over six months while I added anther 2000 I eve received a bonus of 1000 As soon as I wanted to draw out some money they disappeared I was getting daily calls or emails from personal broker When I told him I was not putting in any more money until I could draw out a regular check he stopped calling and emailing Haven t heard from him in over two weeks I am waiting for my existing trades to clear so I can close my account If someone knows how to get the money back from them I would appreciate the help. As per reading previous complaints I too am experiencing the same problems, no response from the broker that was assigned to me my account John Louis Justin Phelps My account was approved set up now almost 2 weeks ago no trading or investing has started as yet It s seems to a growing trend that I am reading about trading with Titantrade I total I have sent 6 emails to the brokers handling my account have even tried the live chat line only to get the run around end up talking to an answering machine If after a few more attempts I don t get any response from Titantrade I m pretty sure I will be closing down my account demanding a full refund of money deposited. NOT HAPPY AT ALL. Almost fell for this broker and an over-the-top auto-pilot trading software Aussie Method Read this. They re crooks Enough said. I dealt with two brokers from Algo Capitals who use Titan trade platform The two brokers are Marcus Delorean Sean Louis I lost already USD 5k based on the predictions they gave, not mine They keep pushing you to add more fund, however, I didn t after the loss and decided not to deal with them I didn t reach a stage to withdraw any money My intuition is that there is manipulation with the system The two gentlemen never teach you how to trade but rather trade on your behalf giving you the sense they are masters in what they are doing, however, they are not I recommend everyone not to deal with them or binary options in general M. Who can you trust in th is world, This woman in the video Quick cash , so friendly, using kids to make you feel she care But steel and lie is only a finger short, they will loose doubled from what we loosed now, May God have Mercy on them. I have very bad experience ith Titan Trade Accpunt manager who said he is senior broker with 95 success rate zeroed my account in 2 rading section He lost 4,500 on first trading section and 4,000 on the second day. I have an account with Titantrade Brand new to trading Deposited 250 00 they asked me to make it up to 2500 00 and was given a bonus of 2500 00 First day of trading 1000 00 call, 1000 00 call, 1000 00 call, 1600 00 call Lost the lot Now they want to give me a special offer deposit a further 12,000 00 to help make up the losses I will accept the 2500 00 loss and work off any turn over I have to I signed the agreement but I am not willing to give them access to another 12,000 00 Am I being unreasonable Is TitanTrade a legitimate broker. Titan is a build your trust get you thinking they are legit get you sending more money and when your ready to withdraw you can t get in touch with them your withdraw just sets there and no one will confirm it and then they will wipe your account out in one trading day so you don t have anything to bring back 30,000 wiped out in 6 trades all loosers on there recommendation Had alittle money left and been shut out of account and no Idea where that money went They are not regulated so not sure what options I have to get back into my account They do what they want with your money so stay a way and save a bunch of grief. I have only deposited 750 so far I have no idea if they are trading for me since I have only spoken to the trader once when asked to deposit money I saw an offer of a free e-book which I could not get unless I would be a new client and deposit money when not knowing anything about it I think an e-book is essential before depositing money so at least one can understand some of it I sent an email requesting a confirmation that I had sent another 250 but did not get an answer I am almost sorry I started with Titan Trade as I see many binary options info and videos on computer and they offer money automatically as soon as an account has been opened and funded At least I would not be so painfully broke Maria. dont do anything wies ith titan trade or spotfn both scams if you want your money back i have over 30,000 with titan and they will noteven let me ask for a draw on the money when in was told that i should be able to with draw at least 5000 dollars per month out of my acct which we were making easy until it came time for a withdraw and than in 10 minutes the lost me 19,000 which took my acct to a little over 36,000which is my whole retierment savings help pls if any one knows how to get this money back from them do we need to press chargesin many countries or what shall i do as well as many many others like my self i do have a lawyer friend in england and i am going to call him and he is not cheap but maybe if many of us go together he may make a deal for many of us Thankyou. They can t trade for you They can tell you what to do, but can not go into your account. Upone downloading their Application within few seconds they called me requesting me to deposit 250 and i refused and eventualy they smoothly talked me and said it was my lucky day they will put an extra 250 for me to start Trading 2 hours one of their so called senior account manager called me to Trade all and eventualy lost every thing in one call Tride to call them no answer Be careful. Overall, the customer service was appalling I have not invested any money although I do have it in my Titan Trade account I have asked to withdraw my money twice, the first time I had been denied because they couldn t make contact I am now waiting again, it has been 10 days, my broker Max Levontin guaranteed my money would be back in my account It still has not arrived He recently called me asking me why I was interested initia lly and why I want to withdraw my account The same questions he asks every SINGLE time he calls I have to explain myself continuously, my resons do not change, to be told that my reasons are not good enough excuses, I get spoken over like a toddler and when I get irrate enough to explode he tells me that I should not talk in that tone or use bad language mind you the only bad language I used when speaking to him was sh Then he hung up on me save yourself the trouble, and do not even bother considering this company They are unreliable, untrustworthy and quite rude You are not even a person to them, just a number. My broker is Bobby Banks We agreed over a week ago that binary trading is not for me He said that he would contact your Finance Dept to send me a refund of 250 US back to my MasterCard To date, not a word about this refund Please investigate I hate scams Please act accordingly. Hi made a deposit of 200 with titan trade then saw the negative feed back i called titan trade for my m oney back on the 7 day cooling of period have had no success have not traded is there a way to get my money back. anyone having trouble with payout from Titan Trade please contact me at. Is a nightmare to trade with Titan, it painted a beautiful scene and promises withdrawal can be make anytime, when I gave them instruction on 30 Jun to withdraw 12,000 less than my initial deposit the compliance department replied that the account manager will called and assist me on withdrawal and you know what happen the account manager forbid me to withdraw and he said he will not allow withdrawal to go through unless I continue to trade, this is extremely ridiculous. I hope the higher authority can help. i was strenousy encouraged to join, it seemed ok straight away i was strenuously encouraged to upgrade to recieve bonuses i actually agreed The trading is easy, training materials offerred, eucation etc seemed I was only in it 5 minutes and they try to up sell again, requesting 5000 to go to premium At that time I ot pissed off with them they constantly want more money try getting your money back out I havnt achieved that yet. I have an account with them They pushed the acceptance of their Bounuses That is the trap To withdraw one cent you must turnover the deposit you make plus the bonus all multiplied by 20 For me this was 600,000 I have a balance of 31,000USD and I cannot withdraw a cent The 37,000 I deposited will never be seen again. I cannot recommend staying away from them enough. I have made a long trade on eur usd, 2 trades of 4000 pounds Broker said I must do this and I am so stressed because it ends this friday the 19 of august at 5 and the thing is that my call was to put at 1 10550 and it does not look like this is going to happen before friday What do you guys think. You are not supposed to listen to brokers as they are in a conflict of interest with you Broker said I must do this don t be a sucker and learn to say no Also, take your money out of this scam broker, join the forum here CommuniTraders and learn how to actually trade cause right now you are being scammed Also, your message is very cryptic my call was to put which was it, a call or a put option I am guessing you mean My decision was to take a put option Anyway, avoid trading anymore until you learn more and until you are with a reliable and regulated broker Even then, you are never ever suppose to take advice from account managers on how to trade Good luck and again, come to CommuniTraders forum and learn from other traders. Guys, why don t you read the bonus agreement before accepting Or at least the reviews on Binaryoptionsthatsuck, they provide a lot of info. well storry is simple, I invest 250 USD and after few minute a nice account manager start to help me in few monts that account manager he was fired from TT and personaly I want to give up to ther service so another account manager speaking in my lanquage call me back and convince me to trade again with help promice me to TEACH me to tr ade well that not happened and one year later few weeks ago I want to give up and withdrawal all my money, not tu much 757 in total I purcase to widrawal and SURPISE I receive just 250 because Financial Departament take decision to not give me all money I will paste the email Please be informed that according to our Financial Department s decision we have sent back to your bank account the initial deposit that you made with our company Kindly take into consideration that the rest of the amount available in your account can be used only for trading purposes We apologize for any inconvenience created by this situation. Note I dont have a WELCOME BONUS money was earning in trading. I contact again financial support and I still wait an answer. Can you please help me to recover my money from titan trade. I have been a Titan trade member since Aug 3, 2016 When I first signed up I made a deposit of 600 USD and my account manager added 550 USD and told me he was going to trade it in NFP Not so, my account balance didn t change for over a week I didn t know much about how to trade and I had time to attend the webinars to learn about trading binary options I attended mostly all the webinars in the month of August and in this short period of time I have learned how to find trades for myself and build my own account My account manager was not really calling me so as I have some network marketing skills I had also invited two other of my friends to Titan trade and now I feel it was a big mistake The first friend signed up with a 2000 investment, I received a 250 USD bonus although I was grateful I was not so excited about that So my account is now just sitting there and no trades are in my portfolio I sign up with Follow trader and I notice that still no trades are being made in my account The other friend I invited agreed to start off with 1000 USD, and at the time she was to sign up my broker forced her to put 2000 USD and then just she refused to join I was upset and the broker d id that and he didn t even call me back A few days later the broker contacted my friend a convinced her to deposit 500 USD and she did My broker contacted my friend without telling me and it s now been over 10 days now and my broker has not contacted me to let me know that my friend has signed up I think he took my bonus but that doesn t matter because now I have learned how to trade successfully and I can turn 100 USD into 1000 very easily Using the economical calendar I now know how to trade and build my account without any help I crunch the numbers and do my analysis and so far since September has started I have place 14 trades and all have won I have profited over 4744 USD and counting All I need now is to complete a withdraw. I agree with the comments re Titan Trade their brokerage is not registered nor are they licensed or regulated by any financial services authority the risk for any customer dealing with them is thus very high they don t accept any accountability for the advice given by their brokers and access to their management is zero my opinion is that their advertising is also misleading something should be done I can t believe it that Titan Trade can be allowed to operate the way they do. Well where do I start, In the first instant I made my deposit as per usual and Titan responded with a very nice BLOKE, and then I was invited to go to Skype, and had a good rap pore with a man by the name of Ben Collins, after a few miner trades another Bloke contacted me and told me he would be taking over my account as Ben Collins had a car accident and suffered bad head injures and would no longer be able to work, This new blokes name is or was Eric Clark, and he had a great time getting money out of me and made me a lot of money, Shown on the platform Then I had to pay some accounts and asked for some money back, but he said not now we have to make some more trades, all this I have on my Skype page He promised 10Kand they failed and would you believe that all of a sudden he tells me he can no longer operate as he has brain Cancer, and I am still waiting for my money I had a phone call last week from another Bloke from titan, and I explained everything to him, and he said he would investigate my account and ring me last Monday, and I am still waiting for that call, I have send several messages to them asking for help and what is going on and where is my money but have had no results amazing thing is all of a sudden my pass word was unusable, so I requested a new one, which they sent, and it was also unusable, so I asked for another and that was unusable, Not excepted They sent me the new passwords and then refused to except them That is only part of the story Tex S. TITAN TRADE I placed USD 250 into Titan Trade One call from a broker and the US 250 disappeared First the trader told me it turned over and I had a balance of USD 420 At no time could I see my balance in the account Trying to communicate with them to get my money back was terrible They did not give me my money back to this day I would recommend to anyone DO NOT PUT YOUR MONEY INTO TITIAN TRADE Do not deal with brokers or do deals with brokers and do not take bonuses Learn first how all this works I agree with Richard don t take bonuses DON T DEAL WITH BROKERS They are the worst All the best in your success. Do not take any Bonus offer from your broker or your manager, do not allow your broker manager trade on your behalf That is how they manipulate traders funds If you need assistance with retrieving your lost fund from your broker or Your account has been manipulated by your broker manager or maybe you are having challenges with withdrawals due to your account been manipulated Kindly get in touch with me and I will guide you on simple and effective steps to take in getting your entire fund back. FROM MARCH TO JULY 2016 I HAVE LOST 62,000 US WITH THIS THE 9th ,2017,RECEIVED A CALLFROM RODNEY ALEIV CHEIF RECOVERY KNOWS ALL MY STORYAND WANTS TO DEPOSIT IN MY CREDIT CARD WHICH I DO NOT HAVE ANYMORE,,BUT ONE OF MY SISTER MAKES ME USE A FOOL GAVE HIM THE ID NUMBERS, HE WITHDREW 1433 CAN NO DEPOSIT HAS BEEN MADE CANNOT GET HOLD OF ANYBODY OF THIS COMPANY SINCE DISHONEST THEIVES, I AM 79 years old and lost all my savings day I FEEL DESPARATE AND HOPELESS THANK YOU FOR BEEING THERE TO RECEIVE MY GREIFS. TitanTrade clients will not win The average investment return is less than 0 6, which means a loss to the trader of 40 of investment. If you do not continue to deposit, you will not be a valued client It seems that the job of the broker is to make you deposit To do this he will make you believe him and that in doing what they tell you to do you will benefit There is no benefit to you the trader. One might also start to believe that the whole binary options trading platform is a money laundering front and the unsuspecting trader is just a performance piece to avert attention. You may also start to realise that there a considerable amount of manipulation and psycho logy being done to lure and to support the clients The only bonus in getting a bonus from the company when you accept this, is to the company Accepting a bonus is detrimental to a trader If a company needs to provide a bonus to trade on their platform, it means that their traders will lose ALWAYS. AND FINALLY, Because all of the discussions are on - to-one with a broker, there is no written record, AND the trader is incapable of any recourse. A bonus may be ooffered However, when this occurs the trader needs to be mindful that the bonus will not mean profits By accepting a bonus you have just lost and given your money to the company Because you will never profit or win on trades, you will never achieve the bonus turnover and therefore you have lost you money It is impossible to turnover 30 times the bonus applied, when more than 40 of all trades lose. TitanTrade is still trading GTOptions has just done a scam on people who lost money with promises of regain, and TraderSBO has just taken ce ased, taking all monies that were in accounts. The problem is that as a trader using the binary options, you just do not want to believe that you have lost your money, your savings and it is very embaressing to have to admit that you were vunerable and also interested to make quick money. TitanTrade Review. Up tp 85 Payout. Up to 100 Deposit Bonus. Excellent 24 7 customer service.30 second Speed Trading. Full Editor s Review. Get a 100 Bonus with Titan Trade, a trusted binary options broker. TitanTrade is one of the best provider of the binary option and it is web based trading platform SpotOption The traders who want to trade with comfortable trading platform will prefer TitanTrade since it is from the veterans who have worked in this industry for long This Binary Options Broker operates from the SpotOption 1 0 platform This new platform offers 4 different pages views with other advanced color charts. TitanTrade Homepage. Trading Plaform. TitanTrade is running on the popular SpotOption platform The deposit oshould not be under 250 while the customers choose the trading package according to the deposit amount The minimum deposit level and the traders receive the education materials with the market news With a high deposit level, the traders can get individualized trading help The customer can trade with trade stocks, indices, currencies and commodities. Type of Options and Accounts. Theyoffer trading in long term, binary option, 60 second trading, pairs and one touch While using this platform, the customers may also use other features of the platform such as buy me out, double up and rolloverissions and Maximum Profits. The platform has no commission, no margin interest, no depositing fees and no withdrawal fees. The payout is up to 85.Customer service. Titan Trade accepts US customers and their responsive customers service team is available for 24 7 The user can contact the customer care using the phone or chat The player also has a trading academy that helps a beginner in the bin ary option with different and advanced courses The customers may get access to a free book. Deposit options. They offer different deposit methods so the customer will be the one to choose the method that he likes most The method the customer uses while depositing, it is the same one that has to be used while withdrawing The methods that are used for both depositing and withdrawing include the debit cards or credit cards, wire transfers and Skrill The customer will get 100 percent bonus on the initial deposit When the customer opens their account, they will be able to enjoy these bonuses available. TitanTrade Review Summary. Titan Trade is the new broker in the binary options It emphasizes more on the customer services with the training It has different features which include the pair option trading and 30 second binary option The platform includes multiple screen views and advanced color charts The deposit with the withdrawal is done in the timely way Many people choose TitanTrade since it offers a reliable and honest platform to enjoy their trading. CURRENT PROMOTION. Get up to 100 Welcome Bonus.

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